
Anne Grimes Rand, President & Chief Executive Officer
Anne Grimes Rand is responsible for overall management of the museum’s operations, establishing the USS Constitution Museum as a national leader in hands-on history for all ages.

Jackie Hibbard, Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer
As Sr. Vice President, COO and CFO, Jackie Hibbard is responsible for all operational aspects of the museum facility overseeing the Finance, Retail, and Facilities departments. Charity Navigator’s top rating of 4 stars demonstrates the museum’s commitment to excellence.

Sarah Watkins, Senior Vice President & Chief Experience Officer
As Sr. Vice President and CXO, Sarah Watkins oversees the visitor experience team, supervising the Curatorial, Exhibits, Museum Learning, and Marketing departments. The visitor experience team develops interactive exhibits and programs, offering a warm welcome to all our guests.

Dennis J. Langwell, Chairman
Dennis Langwell retired as Vice Chairman of Liberty Mutual Insurance Operations in December 2021 after over 40 years working in senior financial positions within the insurance industry. He has extensive experience serving on both non-profit and corporate boards, including service on the Providence College Board of Trustees, the Board of Directors of James River Group, and the Board of Directors of Safety Insurance. Mr. Langwell resides in Boca Raton, Florida.
Dennis J. Langwell, Chairman
Bruce Blessington, Vice Chairman
Alison Nolan, Vice Chairman
Daniel E. Smith, Vice Chairman
Nancy Kelleher, Secretary
Dean H. Steeger, Treasurer
W. Karl Baker
Richard D. Batchelder, Jr.
Nirav G. Desai
Paul B. Ferraro
John Fitzgerald
CAPT Thomas V. Hennessey, Jr., USN (Ret.)
CAPT Kenyon P. Kellogg, III, USN
CAPT Mary Jo Majors, NC, USN (Ret.)
The Honorable James F. McHugh, III
Frank Morse
William Phipps Rice, Jr.
Jennifer Rossi, Ph.D.
Lois Siegelman
Jessica Stebbins
Dennis J. White
CDR Christopher S. Wiseman, USN (Ret.)
Chairman’s Council
Paul E. George, Chairman Emeritus
G. West Saltonstall, Chairman Emeritus
Samuel Thorne
Alexander Washburn
Life Trustees
John H. Abbott
Robert J. Allison
Margaret M. Benson
C. William Carey
Philip C. Chadwick
David D. Corbett
Lee C. Costello
Herbert P. Dane
Ronald M. Egalka
Benjamin M. Faucett
William M. Fowler, Jr.
The Honorable Philip C. Garber
James B. Hawkes
John R. Hayes, Jr.
Daniel H. Kaufman
Gary P. Kearney, M.D.
William C. Kelley, Jr.
Thomas A. Kershaw
James Kras
Anthony M. Lovell
William Martin
Paul F. McDonough, Jr.
Lawrence L. McGlynn
Patricia L. McGlynn
Sherman “Pat” Morss, Jr.
John D. Mulattieri
Jeremiah P. Murphy, Jr.
Paul K. Mutch
LCDR Thomas F. Norton, CEC, USN (Ret.)
Stephen J. O’Leary, III
H. Lewis Rapaport
Suzanne S. Reid
William P. Rice
Mary Beth Sandman
Megan Sniffin-Marinoff
Matthew P. Stackpole
Timothy L. Vaill
William H. White
CAPT Joseph J. Albanese, CEC, USN (Ret.)
CDR John A. Benda, USN
Celeste Bernardo
Lawrence Bianchi
Brandon Bigelow
CAPT Matthew J. Bonner, USN (Ret.)
CDR Paul J. Brawley, USN (Ret.)
David J. Breazzano
CAPT William A. Bullard, III, USN (Ret.)
Andrew L. Cabot
Stephen J. Camer, M.D.
LT Joe Cardona, USN
CAPT Sanford Carlisle, USNR (Ret.)
Vincent Cerbone
Bruce H. Chafee
Paul Chapple
Carol Churchill
Paul E. Clifford
Martin Conroy, Jr.
CAPT Timothy M. Cooper, USN (Ret.)
Joseph J. Cote
Robert Coughlin
CAPT Charles Todd Creekman, USN (Ret.)
CAPT Daniel A. Daglio, USN (Ret.)
Daniel W. Daly
Stephen Decatur, Jr.
COL Eric DiNoto, MAANG (Ret.)
Ralph Doering, Jr.
CDR Leonard Dorrian, USCG (Ret.)
MCCS Elliott Fabrizio, USN
John Kenneth Felter, Esq.
William C. Fuller, Jr., Ph.D.
Hull P. Fulweiler
Ian Alexander Fyfe
CDR Robert S. Gerosa, Jr., USN (Ret.)
Gabriel E. Gomez
David W. Graham
Gary G. Greenfield
William G. Gross
Anthony Guanci
Robert Hallinan
Richard H. Hawkins
Ina Heafitz
Lewis Heafitz
James F. Herrington
Daniel E. Holland, III
LCDR Ryan C. Holland, USN
Paul Holzer
VADM Richard W. Hunt, USN (Ret.)
Tina Karalekas
CAPT Thomas G. Kelley, USN (Ret.)
CAPT Earl Kishida, USN (Ret.)
Sinan Kunt
Dr. Joseph Kunze
Peter G. Kuttner
Stephen Kylander
Ann Lagasse
Nathalie Laidler-Kylander
Bob Lawler
LCDR Travis Leary, USN
COL Michael LeSavage, USMC (Ret.)
James Lister
Caleb Loring, III
RADM Thomas C. Lynch, USN (Ret.)
Dr. John Maguire
COL Nicole Malachowski, USAF (Ret.)
Michael P. Manning
Dr. Robert Martello
CDR Tyrone G. Martin, USN (Ret.)
Daniel G. May
Kevin C. McGrath
Benjamin M. McGuire
Paula Milone-Nuzzo
Robert J. Monahan, Jr.
John Moore
Patrick C. Moscaritolo
Maxwell Mulholland
Kenneth Murphy
Coleman Nee
Anthony Nunziante
Kevin M. O’Brien
Reid Oslin
Edward A. Palleschi
Bruce A. Percelay
Nathaniel Philbrick
Richard P. Quinlan
Sandra Regan
Chad Reilly
CDR Michael J. Riordan, USN (Ret.)
Daniel A. Rioux
A. Heaton Robertson
Glen Ross, M.D.
Mike Rowsey
Kristina Royal
Thomas E. Rudden
Matthew Santangelo
Robert Santiago
Stephen Schnitzer
Natacha Scott
Daniel Scully
Carol P. Searle
CAPT John L. Shea, USN (Ret.)
Clyde Paul Smith
Gregory J. Spanos
Michael J. Stapf
Stewart H. Steffey, Jr.
David Thombs
Donald Turner
Kenneth Turner
FORCM David Twiford, USN (Ret.)
Francisco Ureña
Christopher J.P. Velis
Richard Volkin
Allison R. Walk
CAPT Kevin Wensing, USN (Ret.)
CAPT Sunita Williams, USN (Ret.)
RDML Jesse A. Wilson, Jr., USN (Ret.)