Ship's Crew

Charles Morris, Jr.
Rank(s): Midshipman, Lieutenant
Dates of Service: 6/18/1801 - 10/28/1804, 6/17/1810 - 9/16/1812
Birth Date: 7/26/1784
Death Date: 1/27/1856
Early Life
Charles Morris, Jr. was born on July 26,1784, in Woodstock, Connecticut.
Both Morris’ father, Charles Morris, and uncle, Noahdiah Morris, were pursers in the U.S. Navy. Noahdiah Morris had been a purser on USS Constitution in 1803.
Morris was appointed acting midshipman on board USS Congress on July 1, 1799. He received a warrant as midshipman on May 27, 1800 and served under Captain James Sever.
Morris was ordered to USS Constitution on June 4, 1801. He was appointed acting sailing mate on April 17, 1804, and transferred from USS Constitution to USS Scourge on April 22, 1804 in the Mediterranean. He returned to USS Constitution on August 3, 1804, but was transferred to USS President as acting sailing master on October 28, 1804.
On June 17, 1810, Morris, now a lieutenant, was transferred from USS President to USS Constitution. During the War of 1812, he served as first lieutenant under Captain Isaac Hull and saw action during the battle with HMS Guerriere.
Morris was injured twice during his naval career, as he recounted in his pension application in 1837: On December 1, 1800, “Whilst acting as midshipman in the US Frigate Congress, then commanded by Capt James Sever, I was entangled in the rigging at the time that ship was dismasted, carried up to a considerable height & fell upon the Deck- By this accident, my head was much injured, body severely bruised, and my right arm broken. On the 19th of August 1812, being then senior Lieutenant of the Frigate Constitution under the command of Captain Isaac Hull, i was wounded by a musquet [sic] ball through the body, in the action between that ship & the British Frigate Guerriere.”
Battles and Engagements
Morris was injured during the battle with HMS Guerriere.
Morris was promoted to captain for his part in the battle with HMS Guerriere. He went on to command USS Adams and also commanded USS Congress as part of the Mediterranean Squadron.
Morris died on January 27, 1856 in Washington, D. C.
Crew ID