10:00 am - 4:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Ship's Crew

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John L. Wade

Rank(s): Able Seaman

Dates of Service: 7/10/1812 - 2/21/1815

Early Life

Wade’s place and date of birth are unknown.

Wade enlisted in the US Navy on June 30, 1812. He joined Constitution ’s crew as an able seaman on July 10, 1812. He appears to have reenlisted on June 18, 1813, and was transferred to the prize ship Cyane at sea on February 21, 1815.

Battles and Engagements

Wade participated in victories over HMS Guerriere on August 19, 1812 and HMS Java on December 29, 1812, and received $42.62 ½ and $42.30 in prize money. During the second battle he worked to pass powder to the main hatch from the magazine. In 1814 Constitution sailed on a short cruise and captured HMS Pictou and three merchant vessels. During that time Wade served as second sponger to gun no. 1 on the gun deck. Wade was also on board for the battle with HMS Cyane and Levant on February 20, 1815. He shared in the $20,000 awarded the crew for the capture of Cyane , and received $22.19 as his share for the Levant .

Wade was transferred to the late HMS Cyane after the battle. When the ship returned to the United States, Wade was transferred to USS Java at New York. Wade’s place and date of death are unknown.

Crew ID