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Ship's Crew

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John Saunders

Rank(s): Able Seaman

Dates of Service: 10/28/1812 - 9/10/1813

Early Life

John Saunders’s place and date of birth are not known.


Saunders entered USS Constitution as an able seaman on October 28, 1812. He was assigned to the quarterdeck division and was responsible for passing shot for gun no. 9. He was transferred from USS Constitution to the Lake Erie squadron on April, 1813 at Sackett’s Harbor, New York.

Battles and Engagements

Saunders was on board for the battle with HMS Java.

On September 10, 1813 Saunders transferred to USS Caledonia at Lake Erie. On the morning of the Battle of Lake Erie, he was transferred to USS Lawrence, and was on board for the battle. After the battle, he was assigned to the prize crew of HMS Lady Prevost. While there he fell into the hold by accident and shattered his leg. He never fully recovered from the injury. On April 15, 1832, a retired seaman turned teacher and surveyor, Moses P. Gray, wrote a letter from his hometown of Epsom [NH?] to the Secretary of the Navy on behalf of one of his townsmen, John Sandys “(or Saunders),” in the hope of obtaining a pension on Saunders’ behalf. Saunders, now in his 60s, was destitute, having been left “lame, feeble, unable to do any thing for a support” due to the injury. Saunders date and place of death are unknown.

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