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Ship's Crew

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Silvester Holland

Rank(s): Marine Private

Dates of Service: 7/25/1811 - 9/15/1812

Birth Date: 1775

Early Life

Silvester Holland was born in Ireland about 1775.

Early Experience

As a young man, Holland immigrated to America and worked as a laborer in Pennsylvania. On April 4, 1811 he enlisted in the Marine Corps for five years under Captain Hall. He seems to have immediately regretted his decision, because the next day he deserted. He was taken on June 7, 1811 and forced to serve out his enlistment. In 1811, Holland stood 5 feet, 5 inches high, and had grey eyes, brown hair and a ruddy complexion.

While a ship was in port undergoing repair, Marines frequently transferred from ship to shore and back again. Private Holland first joined Constitution ’s crew on July 25, 1811 while the ship was at Annapolis, MD. On April 7, 1812, he returned to Washington, but rejoined the ship on June 11, 1812. He seems to have been transferred to the Boston Navy Yard sometime after September 15, 1812.

Battles and Engagements

Holland participated in the victory over HMS Guerriere on August 19, 1812 and received $42.62 ½ in prize money.

Holland served out his enlistment and was discharged July 1, 1816.

Crew ID