10:00 am - 4:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Ship's Crew

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Sylvester Stacey

Rank(s): Able Seaman

Dates of Service: 8/15/1814 - 6/1/1815

Death Date: 3/11/1848

Early Life

Sylvester Stacey’s place and date of birth are not known.

Stacey entered USS Constitution on August 15, 1814 at Boston, Massachusetts. His rank was able seaman. He transferred from USS Constitution on June 1, 1815 at Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Battles and Engagements

Stacey was on board for the battle with HMS Cyane and HMS Levant.

Stacey died from erysipelas on March 11, 1848 at the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston, Massachusetts. According to a report, “While on duty in the day time some dust blew in his eyes which very much inflamed them. He was from its effects confined to his bed and was attended by two physicians one of them being the U.S. Surgeon of the yard. Eyrysiphelis [sic] set in and from this he died.”

Crew ID