10:00 am - 4:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Ship's Crew

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William Branford Shubrick

Rank(s): Lieutenant

Dates of Service: 1/5/1813 - 1/16/1816

Birth Date: 10/31/1790

Death Date: 5/24/1874

Early Life

William Branford Shubrick was born on October 31, 1790 in Bull’s Island, South Carolina. His parents were Thomas and Mary (Branford) Shubrick.

Shubrick had three brothers Thomas, Richard and John. He married Harriet Cordelia Wethered on November 21, 1815. They had a daughter, Mary in 1819.

Early Experience

Shubrick received his warrant on June 20, 1806. His rank was midshipman. He was ordered to USS Chesapeake on April 8, 1807 at Norfolk, Virginia. He transferred to USS Wasp in 1807. There, he was appointed to sailing master on June 9, 1810, and acting lieutenant on March 25, 1811. He transferred to USS Constellation on November 15, 1812.

Shubrick was promoted to lieutenant and joined USS Constitution on January 5, 1813. He was wounded in the battle with HMS Cyane and HMS Levant when a section of the mast fell and struck him on the head, denting the iron boarding cap he was wearing. He left USS Constitution on December 27, 1815 and was transferred to USS Washington on January 16, 1816.

Battles and Engagements

Shubrick was on board for the battle with HMS JaHMS Cyane and HMS Levant.

Shubrick had an extensive naval career, commanding a variety of ships and eventually rising the role of rear admiral. He led the Pacific squadron during the Mexican-American War, commanded the Philadelphia Navy Yard, led the Bureau of Construction and Repair and the Lighthouse Board. Shubrick died on May 24, 1874 in Washington, D.C.

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