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Ship's Crew

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William Henry Freeman

Rank(s): Lieutenant

Dates of Service: 8/17/1812 - 10/30/1815

Death Date: 3/11/1845

Early Life

William Henry Freeman’s place and date of birth are not known.

Freeman married Susan Geyer Armory in 1818. They had a son, Rufus, born in 1824.

Freeman received his commission on August 17, 1812. His rank was 2nd lieutenant in the Marine Guard. He entered USS Constitution between September 18 and October 28, 1812. His rank was 2nd lieutenant. He was promoted to 1st lieutenant on June 18, 1814. Freeman detached from USS Constitution on October 30, 1815 at Boston, Massachusetts.

Battles and Engagements

Freeman was on board for the battles with HMS Java, HMS Cyane and HMS Levant.

In 1821, he was promoted to captain, and then to major in 1834. He was ordered to Florida in 1836 where he participated in the Creek war. On February 20, 1843 he was promoted to Lt. Colonel. On July 18 1843, he was court martialed for scandalous conduct unbecoming of an officer and gentleman, and disobedience of orders and neglect of duty. He was found not guilty of the scandalous conduct, but guilty of the other charges. Freeman was publicly reprimanded and suspended from rank and duty for the period of two years, losing half his pay and allowance, and directed that he be confined to the State of Massachusetts during that time. The President approved the finding and sentence but directed that the sentence be modified so that Col. Freeman shall be suspended from rank and duty without pay and allowances. Under the opinion of the Attorney General that the pay and emoluments of an officer cannot be suspended in their entirety except by a court martial, however, one half of his pay was paid to his estate’s administrator (1853). Freeman died from disease on March 11, 1845 in Westboro, Massachusetts.

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