Group Visits
USS Constitution’s past comes to life through objects, stories, and hands-on experiences with a visit to the USS Constitution Museum! From self-guided exploration in our award-winning exhibits to fun interdisciplinary programs with our talented staff, there is something for every type of group to discover.
Visiting USS Constitution
USS Constitution (The Ship) is owned by the United States Navy and operated separately from the Museum. Visit USS Constitution’s website for more information on visiting the Ship.
- All groups arriving at the Museum without a scheduled facilitated program or confirmed visit will be asked to make an on the spot donation in line with the Museum’s admission by donation policy.
- Pay it Forward: $20 per person
- Standard: $10 per person
- Reduced: $5 per person
- Groups of over 30 that arrive at the Museum without a confirmation of their visit may be asked to wait until the Museum can accommodate them.
- Groups of over 50 will be asked to split the group between visits to the Museum, USS Constitution, USS Cassin Young and the Charlestown Navy Yard Visitor Center. Groups of this size will be asked to stagger their entrance into the Museum.
- The best time to plan a quieter self-guided exploration of the Museum is during the winter months (November- March) and after 1:00 pm during Museum operating hours. If you plan to visit during peak visitation months (April- August) please be aware that your group may have to wait to be admitted to the Museum.
- If the group is running late or unable to make the confirmed visit time or program time, call the Museum’s front desk at 617-426-1812 x101. The Museum reserves the right to modify or change the original visit schedule.
While we operate using an admission by donation format, and therefore you can cancel 24 hours prior to your visit, we ask that you inform us of your cancellation as soon as possible for our site planning purposes. Your reserved admission is non-refundable if cancelled within 24 hours of scheduled visit to the Museum.
- Upon arrival at the Museum, group leaders should enter the Museum and check-in at the Front Desk. All other group members are asked to remain outside until the group has been completely checked-in, and then will be asked to enter the Museum through the Group Visit Entrance.
- During check-in, group leaders will be asked to confirm group size, report/ confirm group information, and complete donation transactions, if needed.
- Please be aware of the following Museum Visitor Policies and Requests:
- Museum exhibits are to be respected so that all Museum visitors may enjoy them.
- Gum, candy, food and beverages are not to be enjoyed within the Museum Galleries, but are permitted in the Museum Lobby or Museum Courtyard.
- Smoking or vaping is not permitted within the Museum.
- Rough play (throwing, running, spitting, excessive shouting, etc) is not promoting acceptable museum behavior.
- We encourage you to visit the Museum Store, but remember that visitors who use their purchases inappropriately in the Museum risk confiscation of those purchases.
- When visiting the Museum Store, we ask that chaperones remain with their groups while browsing the store. Groups of over 35 will require additional chaperones to be present in the Museum Store. Students should have their method of payment (card or cash) ready when entering the line for the register.
- Please visit the Group Visit Policy page for more detailed information regarding your group’s visit.
- Chaperone ratios for student groups are 1 chaperone for every 10 students. Any additional chaperones over the rate will be asked to donate with the group.
- Chaperones should be prepared to actively explore the Museum with their group and assist them in creating positive experiences with the Museum’s exhibits and interactive displays. This may include reading directions, facilitating activities and enforcing safety guidelines.
- Chaperones should be prepared to monitor their groups while they visit the Museum Store.
- Should chaperones have questions or concerns, they should seek out a Visitor Experience Representative (blue vest or polo) or Museum Educator.
- The Museum is committed to accessibility for all visitors. The Museum’s two-floors of exhibits are physically accessible to walkers, wheelchairs, scooters, and strollers.
- Service animals, as defined by the ADA, are welcome, and must be under the control of the owner at all times.
- A Communication Book and Social Narrative are available for download to help visitors communicate their needs during a trip to the Museum.
- Click here to see all the Museum’s Accessibility offerings.