October 18, 2019
Secretary of the Navy Richard V. Spencer Speaks at USS Constitution Museum

CHARLESTOWN, MA (October 18, 2019)—Today the 76th Secretary of the Navy, the Honorable Richard V. Spencer, spoke at the USS Constitution Museum as part of the Museum’s Leadership Speaker Series.
USS Constitution Museum President Anne Grimes Rand welcomed the attendees, and after breakfast, Paul George, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, introduced Secretary Spencer.
Secretary Spencer delivered a presentation entitled, “Leadership in the Era of Great Power Competition.” He discussed the history of the U.S. Navy and linked it to its present and future. He touted moving towards an “integrated naval approach,” wherein the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps work together strategically to strengthen and modernize the country’s defenses. Secretary Spencer highlighted the importance of education by “prioritizing learning as a naval advantage,” and building a navy trained to fight any and all threats. “Today’s Constitution might be a ship, might be a plane, might be a submarine, or it could just as easily be an unmanned device or a cyber weapon,” he explained. Secretary Spencer underscored the importance of everyone working as a team, “sailor, marine, civilian, and you,” to ensure “America’s security and prosperity across the spectrum of every challenge.”
Secretary Spencer closed his speaking program before opening the floor to questions by thanking the sailors on USS Constitution for their service.
“We were honored to host Secretary Spencer this morning,” said Ms. Rand. “We greatly appreciate his contributions to the U.S. Navy and look forward to the implementation of his vision for the future.”
Following the presentation, Secretary Spencer, Mrs. Spencer, Ms. Rand, and Mr. George joined USS Constitution Commanding Officer Nathaniel R. Shick and guests on a special underway celebrating the US Navy’s 244th birthday and the Ship’s 222th birthday.
About Secretary of the Navy Richard V. Spencer
Richard V. Spencer of Wyoming was sworn in as the 76th secretary of the Navy Aug. 3, 2017.
A Connecticut native, Spencer graduated from Rollins College in 1976 with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics. Upon graduation he joined the United States Marine Corps and proudly served as an H-46 pilot until 1981 before departing active duty to enter the private finance sector.
Spencer worked on Wall Street for 16 years with responsibilities centered on investment banking services and a particular focus on strategic advisory services and capital market underwriting. After three years as president of Crossroads Investment Management LLC, a leading venture capital and private equity fund-of-funds investment firm, Spencer joined Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE-ICE), the leading electronic commodity futures exchange, as chief financial officer. ICE introduced transparency and risk management to the global derivatives markets. As vice chairman he was responsible for the transition of the company from private to public, including initial board of directors recruitment, the initial public offering and the subsequent three secondary offerings, financial reporting, strategy development and implementation, and human resources management.
From 2007 to 2017 Spencer was the managing director of Fall Creek Management, LLC.
Spencer served on the Board of Directors of Global Atlantic Financial Group, ENGAGEcx LLC, 86Borders LLC and StarPound Technologies. His charitable activities include board service on the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation, The Community Foundation of Jackson Hole, Teton County Search & Rescue Foundation, Veterans Campaign/Center for Second Service, and Honoring Our Vets. Spencer served on the Defense Business Board and the Chief of Naval Operations Executive Panel.
About the USS Constitution Museum
The USS Constitution Museum serves as the memory and educational voice of USS Constitution by collecting, preserving, and interpreting the stories of “Old Ironsides” and those associated with her. This award-winning, educational non-profit welcomes over 300,000 visitors each year and provides a hands-on, minds-on environment where inter-generational groups seeking an enjoyable, educational experience can have fun while learning and exploring history together. The USS Constitution Museum’s mission is to engage all ages in the story of “Old Ironsides” to spark excitement about maritime heritage, naval service, and the American experience.
For more information: www.usscm.org
About the USS Constitution
USS Constitution, the world’s oldest commissioned warship afloat, played a crucial role in the Barbary Wars and the War of 1812, actively defending sea lanes from 1797 to 1855. Designated America’s Ship of State, Constitution and her crew engage in community outreach and education about the ship’s history and the importance of naval power to more than 500,000 visitors each year.
For more information: www.navy.mil/local/constitution