Discipline: Science
Compare: A Sailor’s Diet in Weights and Measures
Copper Bottomed Ship
Using a Compass & Cardinal Directions
What Floats Your Boat?
Making a Compass and Magnetic Attraction
Compass Card
Sailors Telling Time: Half Hour Glass
Sailor Story: Surgeon Amos Evans
Ship’s Surgeon: Illness and Injury aboard Naval Ships
A Healthy Constitution: Dr. Amos Evans, Surgeon, U.S. Navy
Medicine in 1812
Mid-19th Century Medicine Chest and Pamphlet
Eat your Fruits and Vegetables!
What’s in THIS? Guess the Ingredient
All Hands Shorten Sail Ahoy!
Block & Tackle from USS Constitution
Build a Simple Sextant
Period Musket
Marines on the Maintop: How High is that Similar Triangle?
Artifact: Swivel Howitzer
Description of Materials Used in Building Constitution
Chemical Processes: Build an Alka-Seltzer® Cannon
John Lord’s Powder Horn: Art at Sea
Simple Machines on Constitution
Puzzling Constitution’s Orlop Deck
Coopers on Constitution: Building a Barrel
Constructing Constitution
Round Shot
Bar Shot
Bar and Round Shot: Material Properties and Use