Grade Level: K-4
Chart Your Idle Away: A 24-Hour Day
Compare & Contrast Table
Going to Boston: Dice Game
The Navy Needs Your Help! 1812 Recruiting
John Lord’s Seabag
Design your Own Sea Bag
1798 Recruiting Advertisement
Flat Guerriere Activity
Simple Machines on Constitution
Daily Routine Chart
Holystoning Quotes
Sailor’s Story: Boatswain Peter Adams
Coopers on Constitution: Building a Barrel
Puzzling Constitution’s Orlop Deck
Constructing Constitution
Rules of the Navy Aboard Ship
Sailor’s Story: Seaman Moses Smith
Sailor’s Story: John Wentworth
Round Shot
Danger on the Gun Team: John Wentworth
Sailor’s Story: Cook William Long
Personal Letter Quantifying Food Stuffs
Cooking Activity: Ship’s Biscuit
1812 Hot Chocolate Recipe
Surgeon’s Kit from USS Chesapeake
Surgeon Amos Evan’s Lecture Notebooks
Sailor’s Story: Able Seaman Richard Dunn
Captain’s Coming!
Rank and Responsibility of Captain
Sailor’s Story: Captain Isaac Hull