Medium: String
1797 Almanack
Abigail Chew’s Coral Jewlery
A Masonic Oration on the death of Brother William S. Bush, Lieutenant of Marines, who was killed on board the Frigate Constitution, during her engagement with the British Frigate Guerriere, on the 19th of August, 1812, as delivered on the 26th of November following, before the officers of the R. W. Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, the officers and members of several respectable lodges, and the officers and members of Lodge No. 51, of which the deceased was a member.
Thomas Chew’s Seabag
Peter St. Medard’s Copy Book
Mr. Madison’s War. A Dispassionate Inquiry into the Reasons Alleged by Mr. Madison for Declaring an Offensive and Ruinous War Against Great Britain. Together with some Suggestions as to a Peaceable and Constitutional Mode of Averting Dreadful Calamity. By A New-England Farmer.