A Rare Sight
A Miniature Middy
The Restoration Begins
Hot Stove, Cool Ship
Adams Dry Dock
Constitution’s Dry Dock
The Engine House
High and Dry
Flooding the Dock
Scrubbing the Hull
USS Constitution readied to enter Dry Dock 1
Preparing for Dry Dock
A Local Innovator: Loammi Baldwin, Jr. (1780-1838)
Greasing the Skids
The “Wooden Walls” of USS Constitution
History of Dry Dock 1, Charlestown Navy Yard: An Overview
Dry Dock 1 Time-lapse, May 2015
Maintaining and Restoring an Icon
Carronades for the Tops: A New Interpretation
Handsomer than she ever was
Mourning Lincoln
Frolics, Larks, and Playing Tricks
First Photo
Porto Praya Interlude
Whitewashing Constitution
Constitution’s Last Fight
We get your drift
A Bolt Out of the Blue
Another worthy Wadsworth
Should Her Ways Have Better Laid