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Arms and ArmamentNational Cruise First Barbary War (1803-1805) 1920s Save "Old Ironsides" Campaign Women in the Navy Apprentice Training Squadron USS Constitution in Popular Culture U.S. Naval Academy School Ship Captain John and Mrs. Caroline Gwinn James Sever Collection Ira Dye Collection on Early Seafarers Gunner George Sirian Escaping a British Squadron Commander Charles Stewart Midshipman Pardon Mawney Whipple Gunner John Lord Commander William Bainbridge Purser Thomas J. Chew Battle with HMS Cyane and HMS Levant Marines Commander Isaac Hull Ship Portraits Construction and Launch War of 1812 Souvenirs Battle with HMS Guerriere Medicine Life at Sea Navigation Arms and Armament Battle with HMS JavaArms and ArmamentNational Cruise First Barbary War (1803-1805) 1920s Save "Old Ironsides" Campaign Women in the Navy Apprentice Training Squadron USS Constitution in Popular Culture U.S. Naval Academy School Ship Captain John and Mrs. Caroline Gwinn James Sever Collection Ira Dye Collection on Early Seafarers Gunner George Sirian Escaping a British Squadron Commander Charles Stewart Midshipman Pardon Mawney Whipple Gunner John Lord Commander William Bainbridge Purser Thomas J. Chew Battle with HMS Cyane and HMS Levant Marines Commander Isaac Hull Ship Portraits Construction and Launch War of 1812 Souvenirs Battle with HMS Guerriere Medicine Life at Sea Navigation Arms and Armament Battle with HMS Java
Powder HornPainting of Fighting Top by… List of Military Stores Ordered… British 24-pound Cannon Ball 1797 Pattern Boarding Pike Shot Calipers Swivel Blunderbuss 1795 Springfield Pattern Musket Swivel Howitzer Simeon North Pistol Harpers Ferry rifle captured from… Beekman V. Hoffman’s Sword and… Nathan Starr Cutlass Stool of Grapeshot Officer’s Dirk Powder HornPowder HornPainting of Fighting Top by… List of Military Stores Ordered… British 24-pound Cannon Ball 1797 Pattern Boarding Pike Shot Calipers Swivel Blunderbuss 1795 Springfield Pattern Musket Swivel Howitzer Simeon North Pistol Harpers Ferry rifle captured from… Beekman V. Hoffman’s Sword and… Nathan Starr Cutlass Stool of Grapeshot Officer’s Dirk Powder Horn

Powder Horn
This is an example of the type of powder horn used by United States Marines in the early 19th century. The hollowed-out horn carried gunpowder that could be poured out with one hand using the spring-operated closing lever on the end. Marines stationed on the fighting tops were armed with Harpers Ferry rifles along with powder horns and loose balls. Additionally, horns were used to carry the finer powder used to prime long guns and howitzers.