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A Proclamation, For recalling and prohibiting His Majesty’s natural-born Subjects from serving in the Sea or Land Forces of the United States of America.

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Broadsides, or oversized printed sheets, were an effective way of communicating ideas and information to the general public. Broadsides typically contained proclamations, announcements, or advertisements, and were publicly posted or distributed door to door. This boldly printed broadside, published in London by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, displays a July 23, 1814 proclamation by the Prince Regent, the future George IV, prohibiting natural-born British subjects from becoming American citizens or serving in the United States military forces. According to the proclamation, failure to obey the proclamation constituted high treason. At this time, Britain had suffered a series of losses against the United States in the War of 1812.

Andrew Strahan

Date Created
July 23, 1814

Paper, Ink

[H]23 1/2 in. [W]18 1/2 in.

Catalog Number

Credit Line
USS Constitution Museum Collection.

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